She was also a self-torturer, and she continued to suffer from such self-torture despite years of being in a window at the same angle, suffering from nervous tension, heart bleeding, and eyes burning. Despite the passage of time, the wounds were fresh, so fresh that the blood was flowing, and the poison in her soul couldn’t be removed, Shamila’s words had scratched these wounds again today, and the pain persisted even after he left.

  • “How long will Khurd burn in his hijr?” She was his friend and confidante. Then she asked sadly.
  • The woman spoke with agony as she said, “I don’t know.. Maybe until it turns to ashes.”.
  • “He won’t come, man. Try to forget what happened and move on.”

A faint laugh escaped Shamaila’s lips as she glimpsed his colorless eyes. I know that moving forward is completely stupid and crazy, but what should I do, I’m standing at the end of the road to the destination, the destination seems to be lost somewhere and the distance is so long and difficult. Shamaila was shocked to see this crazy person. She didn’t dare to turn back.

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