The sun’s rays were now falling with full enthusiasm on the majestic mansion on which “Afridi’s Mansion” was glittering in fake letters with great splendor. With the birds flying in unison, the humming of the sun and the commotion in the mansion, the recitation of ‘morning’ in the soft and dignified voice of the being sitting on the throne in the spacious hall of the mansion was clarifying the signs of the morning.

In the kitchen of the mansion, the daughters-in-law of the Afridi family were preparing breakfast together with their family servants, while the men were sitting on the dining table having breakfast and some were waiting for their wives to come.

Jalti Barish is a popular book by famous writer Huria Malik Must read this book online or download pdf. Jalti Barish is uploaded now and available for download in PDF. Jalti Barish ,Huria Malik,Huria Malik novels

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