The rays of the morning shone on the earth. In such a situation, in a village of Lahar Sultanpur in a small hilly area of ​​Punjab, an unusual walk began to be felt in a large mansion covering 30 kanals. This huge mansion was known as ‘Labait-ul-Sultan’ in all the surrounding districts. That the owner of this mansion, Chaudhry Murad Khanzada, who was the head of around a hundred villages, his elder and beloved son was named Chaudhry Sultan Khanzada and the name of his younger son was Chaudhry Salman Khanzada. This mansion stands majestically on the slopes of Sar Sabz PaharAseer e Hijar by Wahiba FatimaTourists and people coming here were stunned for a while. Since the ancestors of Chaudhry Murad Khanzada belonged to Peshawar, they were of pure Pakhtun family and with red and white complexion.The identity The light brown eyes of his family

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